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jaded's Blog Entries

Browsing the Eastern Side of the Personal Web

https://bikobatanari.art/posts/2023/east-west-website-culturegreat article explaining japanese web culture especially doujin sites. very similar to modern indieweb/yesterweb/oldweb movement but it never went away in the east » Continue Reading

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Jeremy Hammond - DEFCON 12 (2004)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeZjWdg_Qn8classic talk » Continue Reading

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anti-crypto is a psyop

it's so obvious. i know i know fighting capitalism with more capitalism but really it's a great solution. satoshi's idea was to unprivatize the money supply. it actually worked. of course the people that have accumulated legacy wealth feel threatened and do not want to upend the system. they see it as a threat. people are misguided because of cringe WAGMI crypto influencers that are generally low iq and gamblers that came early or got lucky. they are not the visionaries developing the tech, they... » Continue Reading

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deep iceberg

myspace clones and all of the other throwback sites are underground web culture. most of the communities have less than 1M users. that's a nice size but not too many. i would say a small percentage are active. it's very popular with gen alpha, i wonder if they are adverse or simply indifferent to surface social media since they've grown up in it. millennials grew up with computing genz with the internetalpha with social media and an always connected worldthe next few years will be real... » Continue Reading

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