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Category: Financial

anti-crypto is a psyop

it's so obvious. i know i know fighting capitalism with more capitalism but really it's a great solution. satoshi's idea was to unprivatize the money supply. it actually worked. of course the people that have accumulated legacy wealth feel threatened and do not want to upend the system. they see it as a threat. people are misguided because of cringe WAGMI crypto influencers that are generally low iq and gamblers that came early or got lucky. they are not the visionaries developing the tech, they think about alcohol and sex and not things like society and culture. all of the arguments against crypto are terrible. anytime you disregard something that gives you power or leverage you are only handycapping yourself. somehow both extremes have been psyopped into anti-crypto sentiment. the far right thinks crypto will be used to create a cbdc and destroy society. the far left thinks it will destroy the ecosystem or the free web. the only thing crypto will destroy are existing and established power structures. 


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