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Category: Humanity

Tetragrammaton of the Illuminati

Tetragrammaton of the Illuminati From "Psyber Magick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magick" by Peter J. Carroll divides psycho-political programmes into four groups:

  • Jehovic
  • Christic
  • Satanic
  • Luciferic   

As with most things in the esoteric realm, the division is symbolic, not literal although there is a correlation to the flavors of religion from which the names are borrowed. It's a dynamic labeling system for the forces and tendencies that drive the human psyche (internal) and organization of society (external).

Jehovic: Symbolizes systems of control, order, and "lawful nastiness." This principle is about maintaining the status quo and control over oneself and external systems, often at the expense of others. It represents authoritarianism, strict societal norms, and rigid self-discipline. Christic and Satanic: These represent opposing forces that, according to Carroll, have little overall effect because they are nullified when they come into conflict. The Christic program symbolizes altruism, self-sacrifice, and kindness, while the Satanic program represents selfishness, indulgence, and rebellion. Both are seen as extremes that, in battling each other and the Jehovic program, fail to achieve lasting dominance or change. Luciferic: This is the principle of enlightenment, innovation, and evolution. Unlike the others, the Luciferic program is seen as a positive force for change, allowing for creativity and the breaking of old patterns. It represents the ability to transcend limitations and bring about progress.

Here I will present the framework in secular form without Christian allegory. 

Order and Control Principle: This principle is concerned with the maintenance of structure, authority, and the status quo. It represents systems and ideologies that prioritize stability, control, and adherence to established norms and laws. This principle is cautious, conservative, and often resistant to change, emphasizing the importance of regulation and predictability in society and the self.

  • Government Agencies
  • Traditional Religious Organizations
  • Corporate "Culture"
  • Boomers
Duality of Ethics Principle: This encompasses the spectrum of ethical and moral considerations that guide behavior and decision-making. On one side, there's a focus on altruism, community welfare, and self-sacrifice for the greater good. On the opposite end, there's an emphasis on individualism, personal freedom, and pursuing one's desires, even at the expense of broader social norms.

  • Charities (Christic)
  • Peace/Ecology/Vegan movements (Christic)
  • Libertarian Groups (Satanic)
  • Hacker Collectives (Satanic)
Innovation and Evolution Principle: This represents the drive towards creativity, change, and breaking away from established patterns to foster progress and new possibilities. It values experimentation, questioning of norms, and the pursuit of knowledge and growth. This principle is optimistic about the potential for transformation and sees disruption and creative chaos as necessary for evolution.

  • Tech Startups
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Artistic Movements [Avant-garde and experimental]
  • AI and Machine learning

Example Analyses:

  1. To which principle does "e/acc" belong?

Effective accelerationism refers to the strategic and purposeful acceleration of technological and societal change to catalyze profound transformations within the current socio-economic systems. It posits that by pushing innovation and development to their limits, it's possible to emerge into new forms of social, political, and economic organization that are better adapted to the challenges of the modern world. This concept aligns with the Luciferic programme, as it embodies the drive towards breaking away from established patterns through creative chaos and disruption. Effective accelerationism values experimentation, questions norms, and optimistically pursues transformation, seeing these processes as essential for evolution and improvement.


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