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Welcome Everyone!!! -- Dev Blog #1

Woah, lots of people are showing up lol. Some people on our team have decided to post over on SpaceHey (which they've been asked not to do) but hey the cat is out of the bag. 

This is a very early version of AnySpace, which is meant to be an open source social network (myspace clone). I wanted to make it open source because 1, the code didn't exist and 2, i think it will empower people in the myspace revival community to build their own versions if they want (like having different discord or minecraft servers). 

Please share in small circles because honestly we are not ready for a large influx of users. We will use the blog for most communications like updates. Again, we are building this from scratch so there will be bugs and stuff so please share if you come across them. 

So far we have a working friends, comments, blogs, and bulletins system. Profile customization is 99% of the way there.

Before you say "Mahh, It Sucks!" or "The other site is better", remember a few people made this over the past week lol (and you can contribute code instead of complaining [just a suggestion for coders])

- Instead of using youtube embed on your profile, which, by all means you can still do, we highly suggest uploading an mp3 instead. an audio player is already included with every profile. (you can also use the mp3 link for your profile on other sites)
- Some stuff is just straight up broken and we know. There are a lot of weird quirks and kinks and we are working through them methodically
- You might notice this is a little faster than other sites ;)
- If this gains traction we will consider backing up all user data and importing to the full release of the site
- Currently nothing about you is being logged or tracked. There is no adsense/site performance tracking, ip address logging, etc. 


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Displaying 6 of 6 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


KaiserPug's profile picture

this is a much better myspace then spacehey

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chaothehomo's profile picture

honestly, this is basically as good as one would expect, from a small project. i reckon you're gonna do some great things w it :D keep it up dude

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mangoboy's profile picture

When this site was launched?

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safeinsanity's profile picture

This is awesome! I can't wait until you get the forums, groups, and other features working. So far it is looking great. I have been wanting to have my own site like this for many years. I will wait until you get it all working and then download it and host/create my own old school social network. Thanks for making it open source!

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fuki's profile picture

Honestly spacehey is very low standards, not only is it insanely inaccurate but it's very basic too, if you research real myspace i'm sure this can be better from spacehey

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This MySpace 1.0 the best version of you ask me.

by Diyufirematt ; ; Report

This MySpace 1.0 the best version of you ask me.

by Diyufirematt ; ; Report


leg1on's profile picture


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